• Aktenlagerung
  • Containerlagerung


Circumspection, constant further development, competence and high customer satisfaction has awarded us the certification in accordance with DIN ISO 9001 in 1996.

  • Certification by the German safety standards authority TÜV in accordance with DIN ISO 14001
    (ID: 01 104 110454/02)
    Logo Din ISO 14001

    Certification by the German safety standards authority TÜV in accordance with DIN ISO 9001
    (ID: 091005386/02)
    Logo TÜV

    Member of the DMS Deutsche Möbelspedition (Association of German Moving Companies)

    Logo DMS

    Member of the regional professional association of the Bundesverband Möbelspedition und Logistik (AMÖ) e.v. (German Federal Association of Movers and Logistics)
    Logo Din AMÖ

    Member of the Federation of European Movers Associations (Fedemac)

    Logo Fedemac

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